Komon is a digital service specializing in the management of professional expenses, in particular for business travel expenses. For their customers, it offers an automated fee calculation via the Google calendar. This growing company asked us for UI/UX support in setting up their SaaS. Initially, a version dedicated to companies must be built, a B2b tool allowing the other company to have a greatly simplified management of mobility costs.
A close collaboration
With the client, we have been led in this project to define from the beginning the best way to give life to their business ambitions. We build all the visuals of the services while providing a service to the implementation of the means of customer accisitions, in this case a tailor-made marketing service. In a structured and agile approach we start by identifying the customer's need in relation to the service that the company for which we work has offered him.
Our job is to make the use of the service by the customer clear and limpid while representing these services in the most trendy design, while keeping the existing identity of a brand if needed.
We make your design thinking
After getting to know and understanding the needs of our collaborator. We have offered a service that is as close as possible to the needs of the customers we are targeting. In order for us to better understand your business and your customer's needs, we carry out user research within your ecosystem. This comprehensive research is synthesized from 'Design Thinking'. We must understand you and know your customers even better in order to offer you the best possible service.
Let's design a Saas
What is SaaS? Software as a service (or SaaS) is a way of delivering applications over the Internet—as a service. Instead of installing and maintaining software, you simply access it via the Internet, freeing yourself from complex software and hardware management.
After having carried out a complete analysis of the business and understood the user need, we begin the design of the Saas. We make a skeleton of the site. After that we carry out the onbaoding on the administrator side and on the user side. Menus and features, access to data, everything is thought out so that Komon can have the tool of their dreams with a UI design that people love.
Our construction is based on the customer's need, it is scalable, agile, it enters into a work of close collaboration with all the actors of the project, in particular the developers. We provide them with all the visual architecture and assets of the Saas program in consrtuctions.
As Komon is a small company, marketing support is required of us, so we implement the strategy of mail accision and sales via the ClickFunnel tool.
In collaboration with Komon and our Copyrighters, we develop the emails that customers receive, sometimes for commercial purposes or for information. Mail and Pdf are written and formatted according to our product sold and our marketing plan. These are Clickfunnel's statistical tools that show us the way forward in marketing.